Welcome to NRL22
Colfax Sportsmen’s Club is excited to host the National Rifle League’s sanctioned NRL22 matches!
All matches are managed through Practiscore.com. Signing up for the match, on Practiscore ahead of the match is highly recommended and will ensure you are able to shoot the matches. Practiscore can also be used to process the match fee, this payment method is preferred over in-person. Practiscore is also the best way to keep up to date with specific match fees and other specific match requirements. This is the link to the Colfax Sportsmen’s Club Practiscore page. https://www.practiscore.com/clubs/colfax-sportsmens-club
More information regarding NRL22 can be found on their web page. https://nrl22.org/about/
The NRL22 rules can also be found on their web site by clicking on the “NRL22” drop down, click “About", and selecting the current year’s rules. NRL22X is a different match type that is not covered under this page.
If you have any questions regarding NRL22, please reach out to the Match Director using the following email, mnelson.nrl22md@gmail.com, or contact us through the “Colfax Sportsmen's Club NRL22” Facebook page, Colfax Sportsmen's Club NRL22 | Facebook.